Policy Basics
Estimate: Room rental begins at event setup and concludes after event teardown. Final invoice may vary from initial estimate based on actual rental duration.
Payment: Charges listed on Confirmation are estimated. Final invoice will be sent after reservation conclusion. UW funds billed to Driver Worktag provided.
Reservation Details: Submit timing, setup, labor, and AV equipment requests at least three (3) weeks prior. Late submissions may result in cancellation or short notice fees.
Essential Information
Audiovisual (AV) Equipment: Rates and availability listed on Event Services website. Substitutions may occur if necessary.
Audiovisual (AV) Equipment, 3rd Party Rentals: Approved, licensed, and insured 3rd party AV vendors may be contracted by UW Departments and Registered Student Organizations to provide stand-alone AV equipment and expertise. Approved vendors must conduct a site visit with Event Services staff before service.
Accommodation: Contact UW Disability Services for special accommodation requests.
Additional Labor: Required after regular hours.
Candles: Not permitted; LED candles recommended.
Cleaning: Event organizers responsible for disposal of leftover materials and signage. Items that do not fit in the provided receptacles must be taken off-site. Hourly fee may be assessed if room left in unsatisfactory condition. See the Food Service section for details on food service cleanup.
Concerts/Performances: Additional labor required; no food service permitted.
Copyright: Obtain prior authorization for distributed materials.
Extended Hours Fee: Charges apply if event exceeds scheduled time.
Facility Tour & Equipment Testing: Complimentary 30-minute tour; rehearsals not included.
Insurance: External organizations hosting events which involve physical activity, the sale of alcohol, or otherwise will increase the risk of bodily injury above the level inherent in the facilities to be used, proof of appropriate liability insurance coverage with limits of at least $1,000,000 per occurrence is required. A certificate of liability naming the UW Board of Regents as the certificate holder must be submitted to Event Services before the event.
Lobby Use: Kane Hall lobby space directly adjacent to the reserved room is provided with room rental. Other room reservations do not include the lobby or space outside the room. Inquire with Event Services for more details on campus lobby space.
Occupancy Restrictions: Maximum occupancy must not be exceeded.
Parking: Specific event parking arrangements can be made by contacting UW Transportation Services.
Registered Student Organizations (RSO’s): RSO’s must notify their adviser of each reservation. RSO’s are required to pre-pay for their event unless they receive ASUW/ECC/SAO/SAFC Worktag authorization. If Worktag funding is expected, written notification from the advisor is required prior to the event. The appropriate UW Driver Worktag information must be submitted to the Event Services office thirty (30) calendar days prior to the first event date.
Room Configuration: Return rooms to default setup; fees apply for non-compliance in addition to reset labor rates.
Room Temperature: Each campus building is unique in heating and cooling capabilities. Event Services has very little control over room temperatures.
Security: Contact University Police for controversial events or heightened security needs. Firearms prohibited without approval from UWPD.
Shipping or Deliveries: All event-related deliveries to the facilities need to be made directly to the room during the reservation. Event Services will not accept any deliveries on behalf of event organizers.
Short Notice Request Fee: Additional charges apply for changes less than three (3) weeks prior. Charges may also apply to reservation requests within the advance notice requirement.
Signage and Decorations: No attachment to painted, wood, or fabric surfaces. Use wall-safe painter’s tape on concrete or glass with prior approval. No tacks, nails, or other tapes. Removal and damage charges apply.
Smoke/Fog Machines: Not permitted.
Sound Levels: Max 80 decibels; minimize impact on building.
Storage: To store items a room must be reserved. No items may be stored without a reservation. Additional fees will apply.
Tentative Reservations: Held for two weeks; confirmation required within two (2) business days.
Submit cancellation requests in writing. Fees apply:
- 61+ Days Prior: $50 Processing Fee
- 31-60 Days Prior: 50% of Estimated Room Rental
- 21-30 Days Prior: 75% of Estimated Room Rental
- 0-20 Days Prior: 100% of Estimated Room Rental
Fees may be waived if event is rescheduled within 90 days; short notice fees may apply.
External Use or Participation – UUF
The Use of University Facilities form (UUF) is required if the event is open to the public or held by and/or with an off-campus organization.
Food Service
General Policy: Food is not permitted in most carpeted classrooms and auditoriums. Meal service (including boxed meals) is not permitted in most classrooms. Final food service arrangements due three weeks prior. Temporary Food Service Application may be needed. Event organizers should meet with the contracted caterer upon arrival and remain with the food for the duration of service.
Meal Service: Meal service may be held only in the Walker Ames room and the Mary Gates Hall Commons. Meal service is not permitted in any lobby or classroom.
Other Food Service: Light refreshments – ‘finger foods’ not requiring cutlery or heating elements – and non-alcoholic beverages are permitted in most lobby areas and non-carpeted classrooms.
Carry Out Food Service: Carry out or “To-Go” meal service is not permitted.
Boxed Meals: Boxed meals create additional waste and require additional cleanup effort by event organizers. Venue staff cannot help with the disposal of boxed meals. Please see the detailed box meal policy before choosing this option.
Coffee Service: Coffee must be prepared and served in warmers. Coffee brewers/makers are not permitted due to high current requirements.
Caterer Facility Tour: Off-campus caterers are encouraged to tour the facility prior to the event to determine room setup as well as the time needed for setup.
Food Preparation: All food must be prepared off-site. The Walker-Ames room offers a staging area with a large sink, hot water tap, table space, and a full-sized refrigerator (excluding freezer). Use of this area requires a reservation.
Food Service Disposal: Receptacles for garbage and recycling are provided and should remain in their default locations. Extra receptacles may be ordered in advance for Kane Hall and Mary Gates Commons. Event organizers are responsible for disposing of leftover materials, signage, food waste, etc., in the provided receptacles. Items like pizza boxes must be taken off-site or to building loading dock bins. A cleaning fee may apply for unsatisfactory room conditions.
Alcohol Service
Permitted Areas: Event Services may deny alcohol service requests if they could disrupt other building activities. Alcohol service requires approval from the University of Washington and appropriate state permits.
Alcohol Service Request: Alcoholic beverages may be possessed, sold, served, and consumed on university premises only with required approvals, following University policies, Washington State laws, and Liquor Control Board regulations.
Disposal: Event organizers or hired caterers must dispose of all bottles, containers, and trash related to alcohol service. Bottles and boxes should be removed from premises or taken to designated building loading dock bins.
Youth Attendance
APS 10.13: APS 10.13 applies to all programs, activities, and research operated or sponsored by the University of Washington that are created for, or directed at, a youth audience. Event Organizers are required to inform Event Services of event activities to which APS 10.13 applies.